czerwiec, 2019

04czerwcaallday05HR360 Summit 2019Wydarzenie płatneKategoria wydarzenia:HRMiasto:Wiedeń

Szczegóły wydarzenia

How would you like to learn from Global and European HR leaders from the World’s biggest companies on how they are getting ready for the increasingly digital new world of work?

Only at HR360 will you meet 200+ of the ‘who is who’ in HR sharing their practical insights on how to transform your division to boost the business bottom line.

This is simply THE meeting place to benchmark with the best and shapes the future of your industry in the beautiful backdrop of Vienna over 2 interactive days of learning and networking.



Our speakers are some of the greatest HR experts alive today. All 50 of them are leaders of HR departments in Europe’s 500 largest organisations. They will shift your paradigms, challenge your assumptions, and spark new insights. You will walk away with practical and actionable tips to bridge your HR capability gaps and make significant step changes in your business a reality.


If you are interested in raising your profile as a thought leader, please contact me today to enquire about exclusive speaking opportunities available on the agenda.


Szczegółowa agenda możliwa do pobrania pod adresem:


4 czerwca (wtorek) - 5 czerwca (środa)

Miejsce wydarzenia

Hilton Vienna Danube Waterfront

Handelskai 269, Wiedeń


Worldwide Business Research

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